May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month. It is a celebration of Asians and Pacific Islanders and their history in the United States of America. Starting on May 30, 2013 History Education Hawaii, Inc., added this to our Hawaii History Blog Project. It is a Hawaii-centered historical blog focused on Commodore Perry's 1853-1854 expedition to Japan. All of the texts are transcriptions by volunteers from Hawaii-based news articles from The Polynesian (official organ of the Hawaiian government) and The Friend, published by Rev. Samuel C. Damon of the American Seaman's Friend Society.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Japan Expedition: Loo Choo Islands

Source: The Polynesian. Honolulu: Saturday, November 18, 1854.

THE TREATY WITH LOO CHOO- The following is a copy of the treaty made by Commodore Perry, on the 11th of July, with the Sovereign of the important island of Loo Choo :

COMPACT between the United States and the Kingdom of Loo Choo, signed at Napa. Great Loo Choo, the 11th of July, 1854.

Hereafter, whenever citizens of the United States came to Loo Choo, they shall be treated with great courtesy and friendship. Whatever articles these persons ask for, whether from the officers or people, which the country can furnish, shall be sold to them; nor shall the authorities interpose any prohibitory regulations to the people selling; and whatever either party may wish to buy, shall be exchanged at reasonable prices.

Whenever ships of the United States shall come into any harbor in Loo Choo, they shall be supplied with wood and water at reasonable prices; but if they wish other articles, they shall be purchasable at Napa.

If ships of tile United States are wrecked on Great Loo Choo, or islands under the jurisdiction of the royal government of Loo Choo, the local authorities shall despatch persons to assist in saving life and property, and preserve what can be brought ashore till the ships of that nation shall come to take away all that may have been saved; and the expenses incurred in the rescuing of these unfortunate persons shall be refunded by the nation they belong to.

Whenever persons from ships of the United States come ashore in Loo Choo, they shall be at liberty to ramble where they please, without hindrance, or having officials sent to follow them, or to spy what they do; but if they violently go into houses, or trifle with women, or force people to sell them things, or do other such illegal acts, they shall be arrested by the local officers, but not maltreated, and shall be reported to the captain of the ship to which they belong for punishment by him.

At Tumai is a burial-ground for citizens of the United States, where their graves and tombs shall not be molested.

The Government of Loo Choo shall appoint skillful pilots, who shall be on the look-out for the ships appearing off the island; and if one is seen coming towards Napa, they shall go cut in good boats beyond the reef to conduct her to a secure anchorage, for which service the captain shall pay the pilot five dollars ; and the same for going out of the harbor beyond the reefs.

Whenever ships anchor at Napa, tho local authorities shall furnish them with wood at the rate of three thousand six hundred copper cash per thousand catties; and with water at the rate of six hundred copper cash (43 cents} for one thousand catties, or six barrels full, each containing 30 American gallons.

Signed in tho English and Chinese languages by Commodore Matthew C. Perry, Commanderiin-chief of the U. S. Naval Forces in the East India, China, and Japan Seas, and Special Envoy to Japan for the United States; and Sho Fu-ting, Superintendent .of Affairs (Tsu-li-kwan) in Loo Choo, and Ba Riosi, Treasurer of Loo Choo at Shui, for the Government of Loo Choo; and copies exchanged this 11th day of July, 1854, of the reign Hieng-fung, 4th year, 6th moon, 17th day, at the Town Hall of Napa.

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